Pauline Taylor
vie quotidienne
Our Recent Posts

About The Blog
"Vie Quotiedienne" is French for "Everyday Life"
( But don't let that scare you, this isn't French class. Take it from this French- teaching dropout.)
This is a place where I want to share everyday life with a little French flare from my La Rochelle-born mother. I want to share stories and recipes and ideas, but mostly I want this to be a place where people come and say
"Oh that looks easy! I could do that! "
"What a hot mess. This makes me feel a little bit better about myself"
"Maybe social media isn't just a soul-sucking devil's playground of comparison. Maybe I can be a part of a supportive community where I feel inspired."
Wouldn't that be something?
Oh and I'm Pauline. I'm married to my college sweetheart, Ian. He is my rock and my coach and my therapist all in one. We have a rambunctious 18-month-old boy named Rowan. We have another little babe due in February 2020 because we want all the babies and Jesus has blessed us with that gift.
I work full-time in the home making sure Rowan doesn't drink the dog's water, begging him to eat vegetables and bribing him to nap. And let me tell you, it's a much better fit for me than my budding career in teaching. Life is funny that way.
I would tell you to pour yourself a nice, hot cup of coffee and enjoyyyy the blog! But I don't drink coffee because at first it makes me do a lot of things fast and then six hours later I crawl into the fetal position and cry. And YOU probably have a life and who has time to drink a cup of hot coffee these days?
If you're still there...enjoyyyy the blog!