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October: Cozy Favorites

After being sick for so long this pregnancy (thank you, first trimester. Also, thank you 1/2 of my second trimester??) it is so nice to feel the energy coming back and to be able to come out of hibernation! We have already gone to two pumpkin patches because #basic and also #ilovefeelinglikeahuman.

We already had our first snow, (WHY) which means winter clothes were whipped out reaaalll quick and we are definitely feeling the I-hate-being-cold season. So I wanted to share all the things that are making me cozy and happy this fall!

1. This Dusty Rose Jacket from Kate + Grace

It is the perfect transitional, light jacket for the season and I have worn it so much! Kate + Grace is an online women's boutique that not only offers cute, affordable styles, but it donates new clothing to homeless women and single mothers trying to get on their feet through Marisol Homes. I love the idea of knowing that your purchase benefits these women and gives them the beauty and dignity they deserve!

2. Trader Joe's Pumpkin Spice Rooibos Tea

This is so yummy and it's caffeine-free for your afternoon/bedtime tea. I fell in love with rooibos tea when I had to stop caffeine due to migraines, and the pumpkin spice flavor is there but it definitely doesn't overpower the rooibos. I add a little real maple syrup or honey and vanilla almond milk and it's soooo cozy. It comes in this darling tin box that I am definitely keeping for future use!

3. Super On-Sale Dinosaur Hoodie

I'm using this super on-sale dinosaur hoodie to make Rowan a chameleon costume for Halloween (I got the super on-sale matching sweats too.) I'm just going to sew on googly eyes and somehow make a curly tail. It might be a bust but then he will just be a dinosaur, whatevs. I kind of hate the idea of having a costume sit in the closet and never get worn again (hi first-time mom Pauline staring at a sad, once-worn skunk costume hanging in the closet), so after Halloween I'll just take off the eyes and tail and he will have a cute dinosaur sweatsuit! I love that it will be warm for him because Halloween here is alwayyys cold! They also have a shark for boys and a dinosaur and unicorn for girls. So cute!

So that's Halloween this year! We fancy.

If you're already sick of the pumpkin spice stuff, put apple season to good use and BLESS YOURSELF with these blondies. They are to die for. Not difficult and the brown butter gives them a toffee flavor that is divine. You can never really go wrong with a recipe from Sally. I skipped the icing and took them out 5 minutes early. Very cozy.

5. Trader Joe's Hyaluronic Moisture Boost Serum

If winter is already drying out your skin, this is for you my friend. Hyaluronic acid is basically water for your skin and good for anti-aging and a bunch of stuff I don't know but all the beauty people tell you to use it. I have found that any product with hyaluronic acid is pricey but this bad boy is $8.99 in store and makes your skin feel so hydrated and plump and happy. I put it on before moisturizer, after moisturizer, with the moisturizer. You do you.

I am big on the podcast train because reading does not happen a lot for me in this season of life. This podcast is all about a book called Becoming Women of the Word by Sarah Christmyer. The book invites you to dive into the stories of the women of the Old Testament like never before! I always have a hard time reading scripture because there is so much depth that I don't have the tools to understand, so this podcast really shed light on so many beautiful stories. The stories are still so relevant today and I'm definitely buying the book when I'm done with my current read! (Didn't I just say I don't read?)

*Really hesitated to write this because the idea just makes me laugh, but this is #NOTSPONSORED. Who do you think I am?

Have a Cozy Fall, Everyone!


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